Feb. 09, 2024

Nippon Steel introduces the World First commercially available Mild Sour Ultra High Strength material SM-140MS for critical HPHT applications !

Nippon Steel has developed SM-140MS, a proprietary material for Ultra High Strength and Mildly Sour applications. This cutting edge and unprecedented performance was achieved by integrating Nippon Steel lessons learned through its lengthy experience in manufacturing high strength sour service materials combined with stringent control of key manufacturing variables such as chemical composition, melting, rolling and heat treatment.

SM-140MS is a low alloy High Strength Carbon steel OCTG material (Yield Strength ranges from 140ksi to 150ksi), suitable for Mildly Sour Service  applications. SM-140MS is Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) resistant suitable for NACE region 1 and part of region 2. Additional SSC Characterization is ongoing to extend its application domain further. As such SM-140MS is the Casing material of choice for Ultra HPHT applications where presence of H2S trace is expected. SM-140MS is manufactured under a stringent quality control in compliance with API 5CT and each heat is SSC tested, as Quality Control, per NACE TM0177 method A, solution B (pH3.5) with 0.01 bar H2S, using an applied stress of 85% SMYS.

Keeping up with Nippon Steel historic pioneer leadership in developing high performance sour service materials such as 95, 110, 125 grades, , we continue pushing the limits of material technology and remain at the forefront of innovation with products that safely satisfy customer’s challenging environments.SM140 MS performances will be presented at AMPP conference 2024.