Material Data Sheet
New Sour Service - SM-110XSD

SMC110 is a low alloy High Strength Carbon steel OCTG material suitable for severe Sour Service applications. SMC110 is a Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) resistant material.
SSC failure mechanism is a form of Hydrogen embrittlement in combined presence of H2S, water and tensile stresses. SMC110 was the first 110 ksi proprietary sour service material developed and its existence was recognized by NACE MR0175 in its 1996 revision through the addition of Para 10.2.2, for specific sour service application. SMC110 benefits from SMI’s unrivaled know-how in manufacturing Sour Service materials since the 70’s and best-in-class quality control. SMC110 has no equivalent in API 5CT/ ISO 11960 grades and in order to achieve its superior Sour Service properties SMI applies a very strict QA/QC throughout its manufacturing route from Steel Making to Heat Treatment process.
Diameters: 2-3/8” to 16”
Weights: as per API 5CT/ISO 11960
Special application: Please contact SMI engineer, should You require specific size, weight, drift, or any other characterization.