Connection List
The connection list gives you access to the VAM® and NSMAXᵀᴹ product lines. Because not all products can be listed, such as fit-for-purpose or so-called isolated products, please contact Nippon Steel engineer in case the VAM® or NSMAXᵀᴹ connection you are looking for is not listed.

Your Surface Casing solution for saving on the total cost of your well
Nippon Steel has developped prorietary connection for Large OD ERW Casing named NSMAXTM-GR.
Will perfectly fit your applications :
- Offshore environement to reduce rig time
- Subsea fatigue driven Surface Casing
- Shallow gas isolation
- Geothermal applications
NSMAXTM-GR is available on 18", 18-5/8" and 20" OD, manufactured on large OD ERW Casing, such as NT-95DE. This new connection provides Fast & Stable Running (lower risk of cross-threading and galling) and Reliable Seal Performance (100% VME Liquid + 2,000 psi Gas) trough improved thread design.
Your benefits :
- Quick running
- low risks of cross-threading, galling sensitivity and break out
- API 5C5 2017 CAL I validated, with additional gas kick reliability
- Proven SAF performance for fatigue subsea application
- Cost effective solution
NSMAXTM-GR has been already adopted by Norwegian customer and run successfully at the North Sea's offshore project.